Forum OpenACS Q&A: Response to ERROR in mailing-list/index .tcl (further Errors after CVS update))

Further errors after getting the updates from CVS

    Error: Ns_PgExec: result status: 7 message: ERROR:  Relation 'user_interests' does not exist

    Error: dbinit: error(localhost::iigfdb,ERROR:  Relation 'user_interests' does not exist
    ): 'select c.category, c.category_id, 
                               case when ui.category_id is NULL then NULL::char else 't'::char end as selected_p
                          from categories c, users_interests ui
                         where c.enabled_p = 't' 
                           and ui.user_id = 1
                           and c.category_id = ui.category_id
               union all
                        select c.category, c.category_id, 
                               NULL::char as selected_p
                          from categories c
                         where c.enabled_p = 't' 
                           and not exists (select 1 from user_interests 
                                            where category_id = c.category_id 
                                              and user_id = 1)'

    Error: Database operation "select" failed (exception NSDB, "Query was not a statement returning rows.")
    Database operation "select" failed (exception NSDB, "Query was not a statement returning rows.")
        while executing
    "ns_db select $db $sql"
        invoked from within
    "set selection [ns_db select $db $sql]..."
        invoked from within
    "if { $user_id == 0 } {
        # not a logged-in user 
        set selection [ns_db select $db "select category_id, category
    from categories 
    where enabled_p  ..."
        (file "/web/" line 5)
        invoked from within
    "source $ad_conn(file)"
        invoked from within
    "if { $extension == ".tcl" } {
        # Tcl file - use source.
        source $ad_conn(file)
        } elseif { $extension == ".adp" } {
        # ADP file - parse and return  ..."
        (procedure "ad_handle_abstract_url" line 65)
        invoked from within
    "ad_handle_abstract_url cns1 {}"
    Notice: Querying 'select ad_group_member_p(1, system_administrator_group_id()) from dual;'