New proc in bookmarks-defs.tcl
The bookmarks-defs.tcl file, to the best of my recollection, just has the following proc added:
proc_doc bm_set_one_in_closed_p {db owner_id bookmark_id closed_p}
{This procedure insures that the 'in_closed_p' column in the 'bm_list'
table is consistent with the open/closed of the folder structure
(by setting all contents of a single folder in_closed_p=t)} {
set sort_key [database_to_tcl_string $db "
select case when parent_sort_key is null then local_sort_key
else parent_sort_key || cast(local_sort_key as varchar(3)) end
as sort_key
from bm_list
where bookmark_id = $bookmark_id and folder_p = 't'
and closed_p = '$closed_p' and owner_id = $owner_id"]
if { $sort_key != "" } {
ns_db dml $db "begin transaction"
# ### This can't be done in postgresql, so we've rewritten it
# Set as in_closed_p those bookmarks which have any parent as closed.
# ns_db dml $db "update bm_list set in_closed_p = 't'
# where bookmark_id in (select bookmark_id from bm_list
# where owner_id = $owner_id
# connect by prior bookmark_id = parent_id
# start with parent_id in (select bookmark_id from bm_list where owner_id = $owner_id and folder_p = 't' and closed_p = 't'))"
ns_db dml $db "update bm_list set in_closed_p = '$closed_p'
where owner_id = $owner_id and parent_sort_key like '$sort_key%'"
ns_db dml $db "end transaction"
It should be noted that my logic for working with the closed_p and in_closed_p fields was as follows:
- If the action taken is "open_all", then just set both closed_p and in_closed_p to 'f' where owner_id = $user_id
- If the action taken is "close_all", then just set closed_p = 't' where owner_id = $user_id, and do the same for in_closed_p (parent_id not null)
- This leaves two final scenarios:
- Open one folder
- Close one folder
In both of these remaining scenarios, all you need to do is update closed_p as appropriate, and then update in_closed_p similarly for all the children of the folder in question. That's what the new proc accomplishes.