Changes in create-folder-2.tcl
Numbers 1 and 2 below reflect the change in the treatment of folders, which now have a dummy entry in bm_urls (as described in the data model).
- Around line 39:
(bookmark_id, owner_id, local_title, parent_id, creation_date, folder_p, closed_p, url_id)
instead of
(bookmark_id, owner_id, local_title, parent_id, creation_date, folder_p, closed_p)
- Around line 41:
($bookmark_id, $user_id, '$local_title', [ns_dbquotevalue $parent_id], sysdate(), 't', 'f', 0)
instead of
($bookmark_id, $user_id, [db_postgres_doubleapos_null_sql $local_title]', [ns_dbquotevalue $parent_id], sysdate(), 't', 'f')
- Around line 57:
# bm_set_in_closed_p $db $user_id
instead of
bm_set_in_closed_p $db $user_id