Forum OpenACS Q&A: Response to Breakthrough on bookmarks module

Posted by Bob Fuller on

The revised edit-bookmark-2.tcl file

Here's the complete revised edit-bookmark-2.tcl file:

# edit-bookmark-2.tcl,v 3.0 2000/02/06 03:35:21 ron Exp
# edit-bookmark-2.tcl
# edit a bookmark in your bookmark list
# by and


# local_title, complete_url, bookmark_id, parent_id, return_url

validate_integer bookmark_id $bookmark_id

set user_id [ad_verify_and_get_user_id]

set db [ns_db gethandle]

# start error-checking
set exception_text ""
set exception_count 0

if {(![info exists bookmark_id])||([empty_string_p $bookmark_id])} {
    incr exception_count
    append exception_text "<li>No bookmark was specified"

# make sure that the user owns the bookmark
set  ownership_query "
        select count(*)
        from   bm_list
        where  owner_id=$user_id
        and bookmark_id=$bookmark_id"
set ownership_test [database_to_tcl_string $db $ownership_query]

if {$ownership_test==0} {
    incr exception_count
    append exception_text "<li>You can not edit this bookmark"

# return errors
if { $exception_count> 0 } {
    ad_return_complaint $exception_count $exception_text
    return 0

if { ![info exists parent_id] || [empty_string_p $parent_id] } {
    set parent_id "null"
ns_db dml $db "begin transaction"

# ### not sure why I had to change this section, but it didn't work ###
# if the bookmark to edit is a folder, complete_url won't be defined
# if { ![info exists complete_url] } {
# if { [empty_string_p $complete_url]||![info exists complete_url] } {

    # this is a folder so edit its name
#     set sql_update "
#          update  bm_list
#          set     local_title = '[DoubleApos $local_title]',
#                  private_p = '$private_p',
#                  parent_id = $parent_id
#          where   owner_id = $user_id
#          and     bookmark_id = $bookmark_id"
#    set sql_update "
#         update  bm_list
#         set     local_title = '$local_title',
#                 private_p = '$private_p',
#                 parent_id = $parent_id
#         where   owner_id = $user_id
#         and     bookmark_id = $bookmark_id"
#    ns_db dml $db $sql_update

# } else {
if { [info exists complete_url] } {

    # entry is a bookmark - need to update both name and url

    set host_url [bm_host_url $complete_url]

    # check to see if we already have the url in our database
    set url_query "select url_id
                   from   bm_urls
                   where  complete_url = '[DoubleApos $complete_url]'"
    set url_id [database_to_tcl_string_or_null  $db $url_query]

    # if we don't have the url, then insert the url into the database
    if {[empty_string_p $url_id]} {
        set url_id [database_to_tcl_string $db "select bm_url_id_seq.nextval from dual"]
        ns_db dml $db "
        insert into bm_urls
        (url_id, host_url, complete_url)
        ($url_id, '[DoubleApos $host_url]', '[DoubleApos $complete_url]')"
# have added the url if needed - now just update the name

    set sql_update "
        update  bm_list
        set     local_title = '[DoubleApos $local_title]',
                url_id = $url_id,
                private_p = '$private_p',
                parent_id = $parent_id
        where   bookmark_id = $bookmark_id"

    ns_db dml $db $sql_update
} else {
    # this is a folder so edit its name
    set sql_update "
         update  bm_list
         set     local_title = '[DoubleApos $local_title]',
                 private_p = '$private_p',
                 parent_id = $parent_id
         where   owner_id = $user_id
         and     bookmark_id = $bookmark_id"
   ns_db dml $db $sql_update


# the bookmark_id's are tagged by a "before update" trigger on bm_list
# -- and they end up as v_updated_ids in bm_list_pkg

# just checking to make sure we have some updates to do...
set id_count [database_to_tcl_string $db "
   select count(*)
   from bm_list_pkg
   where v_num_entries > 0
   and v_updated_ids is not null"]

set i 0

# ### for some reason, I had to do the other selects in a different loop ###
# ... so, in this loop, I collect everything into arrays
if {$id_count > 0} {

  set selection [ns_db select $db "
     select distinct v_updated_ids, coalesce(parent_id, -1) as parent_id,
       case when parent_sort_key is null then local_sort_key
            else parent_sort_key || cast(local_sort_key as varchar(3)) end
         as parent_sort_key,
     from bm_list_pkg, bm_list
     where v_num_entries > 0
     and v_updated_ids = bookmark_id"]

  while {[ns_db getrow $db $selection]} {
    set v_upd_ids($i) $v_updated_ids
    set new_parent_id($i) $parent_id
    set old_parent_sort_key($i) $parent_sort_key
    set is_folder($i) $folder_p

    incr i
  while {$i > 0} {
    incr i -1

    if {$new_parent_id($i) > -1} {
      set v_parent_sort_key [database_to_tcl_string $db "
        select case when parent_sort_key is null
          then local_sort_key
          else parent_sort_key || cast(local_sort_key as varchar(3)) end
        from bm_list where bookmark_id = $new_parent_id($i)"]

      set v_last_sort_key [database_to_tcl_string $db "
        select max(local_sort_key) from bm_list
        where parent_id = $new_parent_id($i)
        and bookmark_id != $v_upd_ids($i)"]

      ns_db dml $db "update bm_list set parent_sort_key = '$v_parent_sort_key',
        local_sort_key = new_sort_key('$v_last_sort_key')
        where bookmark_id = $v_upd_ids($i)"

    } else {

      set v_last_sort_key [database_to_tcl_string $db "
        select max(local_sort_key) from bm_list where parent_id is null
        and bookmark_id != $v_upd_ids($i)"]

      ns_db dml $db "update bm_list set parent_sort_key = null,
        local_sort_key = new_sort_key('$v_last_sort_key')
        where bookmark_id = $v_upd_ids($i) and parent_id is null"

    set v_new_sort_key [database_to_tcl_string $db "
      select case when parent_sort_key is null then local_sort_key
        else parent_sort_key || cast(local_sort_key as varchar(3)) end
      from bm_list where bookmark_id = $v_upd_ids($i)"]
    set len_old_sort_key [string length $old_parent_sort_key($i)]
    ns_db dml $db "update bm_list
      set parent_sort_key = '$v_new_sort_key' ||
        substr(parent_sort_key, $len_old_sort_key+1,
      where parent_sort_key like '$old_parent_sort_key($i)%'"

# ### need to delete all the entries "tagged" by the update trigger
# ### now that we're done updating sort keys
ns_db dml $db "delete from bm_list_pkg where v_num_entries > 0"

# ### I tried to do this as a Tcl proc in tcl/bookmarks-defs.tcl, ###
# ### but no luck on that (so far)...
# bm_recalc_sort_keys $db $user_id

# ### this may need to be changed, at some point...
bm_set_hidden_p $db $user_id

# ### the first of these is my modification of bm_set_in_closed_p, ###
# ### which, as you can tell, does only ONE folder
# ### forget why I had to comment it out, but it's NOT relevant to
# ### this part of the bookmark module
# ### (bm_set_in_closed_p is commented out because it didn't work)
# bm_set_one_in_closed_p $db $user_id $bookmark_id
# bm_set_in_closed_p $db $user_id

ns_db dml $db "end transaction"

# send the user back to where they came from before editing began
ns_returnredirect $return_url