Changes in insert-one-2.tcl and insert-one.tcl
insert-one-2.tcl, it looks like I had to replace this line:
($bookmark_id, $user_id, $url_id,'[db_postgres_doubleapos_null_sql $local_title]', [ns_dbquotevalue $parent_id], sysdate())"
with the following one:
($bookmark_id, $user_id, $url_id,'$local_title', $parent_id, sysdate())"
In insert-one.tcl, looks like for some reason I had to omit an extra <
/ul> tag, so that the following:
If this is correct, choose which folder to place the bookmark in:
[bm_folder_selection $db $user_id $bookmark_id]
<input type=submit value=Submit>
had to be changed to:
If this is correct, choose which folder to place the bookmark in:
[bm_folder_selection $db $user_id $bookmark_id]
<input type=submit value=Submit>