Primarily the nonprofits look to Open Source to give to them. They want free code, they want features, they want usability. They don't think about what they can give back to us.
Speaking as the IT director for one of the larger (I think) nonprofits using OpenACS, let me state how important it has been to me for us to give back. I think our record here in the community speaks for itself there. However, I will agree that most nonprofits are not as fortunate as we are to have an "IT department", and it's only when there is an IT department or a savvy consultant involved that any return to the community can take place. Otherwise (and in many ways rightfully so) the nonprofit just doesn't have time to focus on the tools underlying their core business. They would much rather go buy an off-the-shelf solution that meets 60-70% of their needs and live without the unmet 30-40%.