No, daemontools supervise will continue to try to restart the server. However, you might put in your run file a sleep:
sleep 4
Daemontools also has a feature I have found missing with inittab. What to do when a config file has a syntax error, or any error is thrown while reading the config file. Use readproctitle:
# ps axww|grep readproctitle
This will display the errors which are being generated but don't yet have a place to go, so never show up.
Also use the script 'svgroup' to allow your development group control the service. This script is now a part of OpenACS, but I'll repeat it here:
[tom@mimer tcl]$ cat /usr/sbin/svgroup
#! /bin/sh
if test $# -lt 2 ; then
echo svgroup groupname directories ... >&2
echo for example: >&2
echo svgroup wheel /service/\* >&2
exit 2
g="$1" ; shift
for i in $* ; do
chgrp $g $i/supervise/control
chmod g+w $i/supervise/control
chgrp $g $i/supervise/ok
chmod g+w $i/supervise/ok
# just in case
chgrp $g $i/supervise/status
chmod g+r $i/supervise/status
chgrp $g $i/supervise
chmod g+x $i/supervise
Then as root run 'svgroup web-group /service/serviceX'