Hi Rafael,
acs_mail_body_new works for me. Here's some code where I create a mail with an attachment and send it to 2 different
email addresses. In my case csv_string is a string I build which contains CSV data. I'm using OpenACS 5.0.0 beta 1.
Hope this helps,
db_transaction {
#email the file to this user and also to accounts - see /doc/acs-mail/openacs-mail.html for usage
set from_addr [db_string some_sql "select email from parties where party_id = :modifying_user"]
# create the multipart message ('multipart/mixed')
set multipart_id [acs_mail_multipart_new -multipart_kind "mixed"]
# create an acs_mail_body (with content_item_id = multipart_id )
set body_id [acs_mail_body_new -header_subject $generated_name -content_item_id $multipart_id ]
# create a new text/plain item
set content_item_id [db_exec_plsql create_text_item {
:1 := content_item.new (
name => :generated_name,
title => :generated_name,
mime_type => 'text/plain',
text => :csv_string);
set sequence_num [acs_mail_multipart_add_content -multipart_id $multipart_id -content_item_id $content_item_id]
db_dml update_multiparts "
update acs_mail_multipart_parts
set mime_disposition='attachment; filename=\"$generated_name\"'
where sequence_number=:sequence_num
and multipart_id=:multipart_id"
# queue it
set mail_link_id [db_exec_plsql queue_the_mail {
:1 := acs_mail_queue_message.new (
null, -- p_mail_link_id
:body_id, -- p_body_id
null, -- p_context_id
sysdate, -- p_creation_date
:modifying_user, -- p_creation_user
:ip_addr, -- p_creation_ip
'acs_mail_link' -- p_object_type
# send a copy each to accounts and the logged in user
set sql_string "
insert into acs_mail_queue_outgoing
( message_id, envelope_from, envelope_to )
( :mail_link_id, :from_addr, :to_addr )"
#copy for accounts
set to_addr [parameter::get -parameter accounts_email_address]
if {![empty_string_p $to_addr]} {
db_dml outgoing_queue $sql_string
} else {
ns_log Error " accounts_email_address parameter is blank"
#send another copy to the logged in user
set to_addr $from_addr
db_dml outgoing_queue $sql_string
} on_error {
ad_return_error "[_ work.unable_to_update]" "[_ work.we_got_following_error] $errmsg