I'm trying to get an ad_form working. I extend it twice, and finally define the execute portions, as per this post:
However, the only portion of the form that is not executed is both the -edit_data and -new_data portions. I've put ns_log statements in those parts, and they're not showing up.
Here's the form:
ad_form -name add_edit -form {
{value $process_task_id_pass}}
{value $return_url}
{value $revisions_pass}}
{value $task_id_pass}}
{value $project_item_id}}
Then in a loop, I extend it:
ad_form -extend -name add_edit -form \
[list \
[list \
party_id.$tiid.$i:text(select) \
{label "Assignments \#$i $tiid"} \
{options {[set users_lofl]}} \
{values $uv} \
] \
[list \
role_id.$tiid.$i:text(select) \
{label "Role \#$i $tiid"} \
{options {[set roles_lofl]}} \
{values $rv} \
] \
Then all the execute parts:
ad_form -extend -name add_edit \
-select_query {
select current_timestamp
} \
-new_data {
ns_log Notice "not executed"
} -edit_data {
ns_log Notice "not executed"
} -after_submit {
ns_log Notice "not executed"
} -on_submit {
ns_log Notice "not executed"
Any suggestions?