A few comments:
Here in guatemala, cyber-cafes are quite popular, as computers cost many months income, and you pay by the minute for a connection through a phone-line. Maybe when computers cost the same as a getto-blaster (well, that's already happening, but it's because some ghetto-blasters cost as much as a computer!), and every valley is flooded with wireless Internet signals, things will change here, and the only market will be travelers, but for now, it still works.
I don't envision us using a prepaid card system, as we aren't running remote kiosks, but an Internet center with staff and a front desk. so what should happen is that the client walks in, buys a ticket with a generated login id from the front desk, goes to any computer, enters the login and a new password, and away they go. When their time starts to run out, they can purchase more on the same login, or allow it to run out. if they leave before their time is used up, they can come back another day to use the rest. I like the idea of adjusting the time for the resources a given client uses, people who use the computer for a tv or telephone get the minimum time, people who just read text sites get a bit more time.
edeneba.com uses a central server located in the usa for everything, so it doesn't serve our needs, however, all the clients are html based, which is great, and the way their site describes the process sounds right as well.
Radamanthus, I emailed your people at klikstation.com, but haven't had any response. Do you know if they are willing to release their acs module to the rest of us?