I want to upgrade from 4.2 to more current versions of openACS. I had set up CVS and have openACS 4.2 (I think, it might actually be 4.1x or something...) running @
So now I have this old version of openACS and my edits (mostly to the adp files for cosmetic reasons and I never messed with making new database tables or anything.) It works alright except for certain rather critical issues with they system and I want to see if these issues have been resolved or improved in later versions of openACS. Plus I just want to learn more about the code.
Anyway, it got me wondering how the programmers keep current with CVS. I hear you talking about "head" and I wonder what cvs commands you use to stay on head. Is it easy? I basically know how to check my own stuff in to my own repository, but I never really grab stuff from other CVS branches -- patches or fixes -- I just don't really know how to do it. My CVS chops aren't that good.
Maybe staying on head is difficult but upgrading isn't easy. Right now I can't find the docs on upgrading from 4.2 --> 5.1. I found some for 4.5 --> 5.1 off the front page. I also remember seeing some good docs here about upgrading with CVS -- now I don't see them. Any pointers will help.
I have a pointer to CVS commands in Emacs -- stuff like this is also helpful to me:
Has anyone documented the steps they take and CVS commands they use to keep on head?