Forum OpenACS Q&A: Installation error..

Posted by Jerome M on
Im getting this error everytime I tried to install openacs 5.0.4 on redhat 9.. db server lies on a different box (postgres v 7.4.3)

Did I forgot to do something?

[19/Apr/2004:18:54:05][18225.65541][-conn:gmanmi::1] Error: Ns_PgExec: result status: 7 message: ERROR:  Relation "acs_function_args" does not exist


2: Re: Installation error.. (response to 1)
Posted by Cathy Sarisky on
Hi Jerome,

Looks like a problem loading the datamodel?  When does this happen?  Is there anything else in the logs that might indicate a problem?

You might want to turn on debugging in your etc/config.tcl file if nothing else shows up in the logs.