How's that old saying go, something about one bad apple spoiling the
barrel or something like that?
There's no problem with OpenACS vs. AOLserver per se. One person,
unfortunately the guy who works for AOL who is supposed to be
coordinating the AOLserver open source development effort, has been
slowly alienating a whole bunch of people, and a couple of us happen
to be involved with OpenACS.
Read my response to the thread regarding the future direction of
OpenACS for a little more detail on this exchange between Kriston and
I. Just in case you don't, at minimum be aware that I'm not on the
aolserver mailing list, and I didn't post to the list. I posted
privately to Kriston and he forwarded my post to the mailing list
without my permission.
One thing I'll add here - two separate sets of folks on the aolserver
list have e-mailed me to ask me whether or not I had interest in
getting involved in setting up an alternative community for aolserver
users. I happen to know there's a third set of folks with the same
This may or may not happen, and I may or may not help. But one
thing's for sure - when three separate sets of folk independently
start thinking about
setting up an alternative community for users of an open source
project because they can't work with the leader, you *know* that
project is in trouble.