First of all, kudos for proposing some directions for OpenACS. This is an ambitious document, but I like the overall direction.
* I like the point about configuration versus customization, and like the goal of moving towards configuration rather than customization.
* I also like the idea of incremental implementation. Yes, let's do this gradually.
Can I propose an extention to the notes use case:
People can be assigned to notes. Any number of people can be assigned to a note.
Multiple notes can be edited at a time (scalable interface). I can edit three notes on one page.
The reason I add these to the use case, is that I think one of the problems with ad_form is it doesn't address these cases very well. Using multiples is very hard to do in my experience. Multiple dates, for example, is rather nightmarish.
I'm also thinking about the data soup idea in relation to the most recent application I've developed: project-manager (I'll be releasing version 1.0 this week or next week, by the way. We're using it now at my workplace. Yes, we finally upgraded from ACS to OpenACS!).
So I can see the advantage of being able to put all sorts of objects in my projects and tasks. It would be nice to be able to put blogs and pictures and files and so on inside a Project or Task. I'm not so clear on how the system will know how to display everything.
I've read all the data soup articles, but I guess I'm "core hacker" enough to get how it will work.
(Note: the XML was too small for me to read, by the way).