I am having a problem with my production server. The server dies in the middle of a request (and automatically restart)
Log file looks like this
[18/Apr/2004:18:42:08][14612.10251][-conn7-] Error: ora8.c:4472:stream_write_lob error writing to connection. incomplete write of 0 out of 16384
[info from other connections left out]
[18/Apr/2004:18:45:17][14612.10251][-conn7-] Error: ora8.c:1062:ora_open_db: error in `OCIServerAttach ()': ORA-12535: TNS:operation timed out
SQL: [nil]
[18/Apr/2004:18:45:17][14612.10251][-conn7-] Notice: RP (192368.736 ms): error in rp_handler: serving GET /multimedia/download/1/48053/1/Patent-WebVersion01.rm
ad_url "/multimedia/download/1/48053/1/Patent-WebVersion01.rm" maps to file "/data/web/planet/packages/gp-multimedia/www/download/index.vuh"
errmsg is can't write to connection for writing. received error Connection reset by peer
[18/Apr/2004:18:45:17][17393.1024][-main-] Notice: nsmain: AOLserver/3.3.1+ad13 starting
(Last message is server starting after dying).
AOLServer doesn't always die at this point. When it doesn't there is another error message, like this:
[21/Apr/2004:10:48:13][10906.9226][-conn6-] Error: GET http://www.greenpeace.org/multimedia/download/1/142608/2/NoWar_VF_WinMe
referred by "http://www.greenpeace.org/france_fr/multimedia/media-view?type=gp_video&start_row=3&campaign_id="
can't write to connection for writing. received error Connection reset by peer
while executing
"ns_ora write_blob nsdb0 {
select content2
from gp_media
where gp_media_id = 142608}"
("uplevel" body line 1)
invoked from within
[further stacktrace removed]
It seems like the problem occurs when the server is low on memory. And the available memory seems to decrease (rapidly) over time ( 50 MB/hour)
So this seems likely to be a combination of a memory leak and an ns_ora problem (though which is cause and which is effect is not clear to me ATM)
Any help would be muchly appreciated.