Hi Bob,
In fact I dont believe it's needed to modify any procedure.
It's funny because by coincidence I too stumbled into this error while looking for PG 7.1 UNION oddities (se
this thread).
All you should have to do is to modify one query in
ns_db dml $db "insert into user_vacations
(vacation_id, user_id, start_date, end_date, receive_email_p, vacation_type)
(nextval(user_vacations_vacation_id_seq.nextVal, $user_id, sysdate, '$on_vacation_until', 'f', 'vacation')"
Should read:
ns_db dml $db "insert into user_vacations
(vacation_id, user_id, start_date, end_date, receive_email_p, vacation_type)
(nextval('user_vacations_vacation_id_seq'), $user_id, sysdate(), '$on_vacation_until', 'f', 'vacation')"
Don Baccus received an email from me containing this fix and the query fixes made so far and hopfully they will "pass" and be committed to cvs in the future.