Forum OpenACS Development: Re: Error sourcing xowiki-procs.tcl: invalid command name "attribute::exists_p"

i am not sure, what the last sentence means.

what is your exact installation order? Are local modifications involved? Check your error.log, whether packages/acs-subsite/tcl/attribute-procs.tcl is sourced before xowiki/tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl

Btw, the head versions of xotcl-core and xowiki do not use attribute::exists_p, therefore the the problem won't exist there. These versions are close to finishing for the oacs-5-4-compat stable release.

Thanks Gustaf, I have installed from head and they work after solving two problems.

I had two errors:

- New Install of xowiki 0.89 show error of get_root_folder when I go to new page

I executed fs::new_root_folder -package_id $xowiki_package_id and it work now.

- Upgrading from xowiki 0.60.4 return this error:

nsoracle.c:3904:ora_tcl_command: error in `OCIStmtExecute ()': ORA-00904: "PAGE_ORDER": invalid identifier

SQL: insert into xowiki_objecti (creation_user !>>>!page_order,creator,ppage_id,page_id,object_id,description,xowiki_object_id,nls_language,mime_type,title,item_id,revision_id) values (:creation_user,:page_order,:creator,:ppage_id,:page_id,:object_id,:description,:xowiki_object_id,:nls_language,:mime_type,:title,:item_id,:revision_id) while executing "ns_ora dml nsdb0 {insert into xowiki_objecti (creation_user,page_order,creator,ppage_id,page_id,object_id,description,xowiki_object_id,nls_language,mi..." ("uplevel" body line 1) invoked from within "uplevel $ulevel [list ns_ora $type $db $sql] $args" ("oracle" arm line 2) invoked from within "switch $driverkey { oracle { return [uplevel $ulevel [list ns_ora $type $db $sql] $args] } ..." invoked from within "db_exec dml nsdb0 dbqd.::xo::db::CrItem-save_new.revision_add {insert into xowiki_objecti (creation_user,page_order,creator,ppage_id,page_id,object_id..." ("eval" body line 1) invoked from within "eval [list db_exec $command $db $full_statement_name $sql] $lob_argv" invoked from within "if { $lob_argc == 1 } { # Bind :1, :2, ..., :n as LOBs (where n = [llength $lob_argv]) set bind_vars [list] ..." ("uplevel" body line 2) invoked from within "uplevel 1 $code_block " invoked from within "db_with_handle -dbn $dbn db { if { $lob_argc == 1 } { # Bind :1, :2, ..., :n as LOBs (where n = [llength $lob_argv]) ..." (procedure "db_dml" line 56) invoked from within "$insert_view_operation [my qn revision_add] [[my info class] insert_statement $__atts $__vars]" ("uplevel" body line 21) invoked from within "uplevel 1 $transaction_code " (procedure "db_transaction" line 1) invoked from within "db_transaction { $__class instvar storage_type object_type [self class] lock acs_objects "SHARE ROW EXCLUSIVE" set revision_id [db_n..." (procedure "save_new" line 30) invoked from within "next" (procedure "save_new" line 4) invoked from within "next" (procedure "save_new" line 3) ::3115 ::xo::db::CrCache::Item->save_new invoked from within "::$folder_id save_new" (procedure "require_folder_object" line 36) ::3093 ::xowiki::Package->require_folder_object invoked from within "my require_folder_object" (procedure "init" line 5) ::3093 ::xowiki::Package->init ::xowiki::Package ::xotcl::Class->create invoked from within "my create ::$package_id" (procedure "require" line 10) ::xowiki::Package ::xo::PackageMgr->require invoked from within "my require -url $url $package_id" (procedure "initialize" line 26) ::xowiki::Package ::xo::PackageMgr->initialize invoked from within "::xowiki::Package initialize -package_id $package_id -init_url false" (procedure "::xowiki::upgrade_callback" line 235) invoked from within "::xowiki::upgrade_callback -from_version_name 0.60.4 -to_version_name 0.89" ("eval" body line 1) invoked from within "eval $command" (procedure "apm_invoke_callback_proc" line 37) invoked from within "apm_invoke_callback_proc -version_id $version_id -type after-upgrade -arg_list [list from_version_name $upgrade_from_version_name to_version_name $ver..." (procedure "apm_package_install" line 191) invoked from within "apm_package_install -enable -package_path $package_path -load_data_model -data_model_files $data_model_files $spec_file" ("foreach" body line 52) invoked from within "foreach package_key $install { ns_log Notice "Installing $package_key" array unset version array set version $repository($package_key..." ("uplevel" body line 49) invoked from within "uplevel { ad_page_contract { Install packages -- actual installation @param install Tcl list of packages to install in the order in which the..." (procedure "code::tcl::/web/devoei/packages/acs-admin/www/install/instal..." line 2) invoked from within "code::tcl::$__adp_stub" invoked from within "if { [file exists $__adp_stub.tcl] } { # ensure that data source preparation procedure exists and is up-to-date adp_init tcl $__adp_stub ..." ("uplevel" body line 3) invoked from within "uplevel { if { [file exists $__adp_stub.tcl] } { # ensure that data source preparation procedure exists and is up-to-date adp_init t..." (procedure "adp_prepare" line 2) invoked from within "adp_prepare" invoked from within "template::adp_parse [file root [ad_conn file]] {}" (procedure "adp_parse_ad_conn_file" line 5) invoked from within "$handler" ("uplevel" body line 2) invoked from within "uplevel $code" invoked from within "ad_try { $handler } ad_script_abort val { # do nothing }" invoked from within "rp_serve_concrete_file [ad_conn file]" (procedure "rp_serve_abstract_file" line 60) invoked from within "rp_serve_abstract_file "$root/$path"" ("uplevel" body line 2) invoked from within "uplevel $code" invoked from within "ad_try { rp_serve_abstract_file "$root/$path" set tcl_url2file([ad_conn url]) [ad_conn file] set tcl_url2path_info..."

I had executed from /ds/shell ::xowiki::update_views, ::xowiki::upgrade_callback -from_version_name 0.60.4 -to_version_name 0.89 and fs::new_root_folder -package_id $xowiki_package_id. it work now.
Concerning new installs:
The creation of the folder should happen automatically, this worked on Oracle before and should be easy to fix. i have never used ::fs::new_root_folder and nobody is supposed to use it. Furthermore, you are asking for troubles by bypassing e.g. the xowiki naming conventions.

Since i have no oracle around to play with a from-scratch installations, can i ask to check the error messages during new installations in more detail?

Concerning upgrade:
the support for page_order in Oracle is relatively new (form march this year). Upgrading is not tested by many, although it worked for viaro. I am less concerned about this one than the first problem; actually, the problems might boil down to a common problem.

I want xowiki to work as front page of a .LRN site but not necessarily inside communities.

I get this error when I click on "New Page":

oracle.c:3542:ora_tcl_command: error in `OCIStmtExecute ()': Error - OCI_NO_DATA
                :1 := file_storage.get_root_folder(
                    package_id => :package_id

    while executing
"ns_ora exec_plsql_bind nsdb0 {
                :1 := file_storage.get_root_folder(
                    package_id => :package_id


Please, forget what I said about fs:new_root_folder.

I think that the problem is about getting the "fs_folder_id" with an empty "community_id" in ::xowiki::Page instproc edit when .LRN is installed:

 set fs_folder_id ""
    if {[info commands ::dotlrn_fs::get_community_shared_folder] ne ""} {
      set fs_folder_id [::dotlrn_fs::get_community_shared_folder  -community_id [::dotlrn_community::get_community_id]]

Maybe, this can be fixed inserting "xowiki package_id" and its "folder_id" in "fs_root_folders" table when xowiki is mounted not inside dotlrn.
Or maybe, adding another condition to the last "if" to check if "dotlrn" mounting point is in the url.

i have now tried an installation of dotlrn 2.3.1 + xowiki used outside of a community (as you sketched) in postgres, everything works as expected.

The problem appears to be different semantics in the OpenACS and Oracle versions of [fs::get_root_folder], when it is called with a package_id having no root folder. In PostgresSQL fs::get_root_folder -package_id 123 returns empty, while oracle throws apparently the error above.

I fixed the problem the easy way (in xowiki), a better fix would be to make the Postgres and Oracle versions of fs::get_root_folder to behave identical.

Best regards
-gustaf neumann

Thanks a lot Gustaf.

I upgraded xowiki with your change and it works correctly.

I will install xowiki version for dotlrn 2.3.1 on oracle,I will test the upgrade to 0.90. I will post the result of this with logs.

I think that the problem with fs::get_root_folder is complicado to fix because I think that it's no only for this function. I will post it to try fix it

Sorry replace complicato with complicated.

I think that the problem with fs::get_root_folder is complicated to fix because I think that it's no only for this function. I will post it to try fix it