Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: Form builder troubles

5: Re: Form builder troubles (response to 1)
Posted by Dave Bauer on

ad_form and form builder work fine in OpenACS 4.6.3. If possible plese post the entire tcl file that is handling the processing. To work correctly for editing records you must have passed in the key, label_id in your case, to the tcl page.

6: Re: Form builder troubles (response to 5)
Posted by Sean Redmond on
Dave, Here is the whole TCL file (there's not much more to it)
ad_page_contract {
    Add an a label for an ip range
    @author Sean Redmond (
    @creation-date 2004-04-23
    @cvs-id $Id: index.tcl,v 1.6 2002/12/17 16:43:06 nsadmin Exp $
} {
set package_id [ad_conn package_id]
set context_bar [list]
if {[exists_and_not_null label_id]} {
        set page_title "Edit Label"
} else {
        ad_require_permission $package_id create
        set page_title "Add a Label"
ad_form -name new_label -form {
                {label "Label"}
                {html {size 25}}
                {label "Description"}
                {html {rows 3 cols 50}}
} -select_query_name get_label -edit_data {
        db_dml update_label { *SQL* }
} -after_submit {
        ad_returnredirect "index"

So it's named one-label.tcl and if invoke it with something like one-label?label_id=8, I get a form with the expected values filled in (I put a few in manually). If I change anything and hit submit, I get the same page with the old values. That would seem to indicate that it's at least getting the right label_id after the submit since it returns to the same record, even though it doesn't do the update.
