Thanks, Malte. I downloaded the package from contrib, but there are some bugs I found out:
1. The '*' is visible even for unrequired questions.
2. If the user forgets to upload a file in response to a question, whether required or not, it throws an error instead of showing that it is missing. It goes something like this (in respond.tcl):
can't read "response_to_question(527.tmpfile)": no such element in array
while executing
"set tmp_filename $response_to_question($question_id.tmpfile)"
("foreach" body line 72)
invoked from within
"foreach question $question_info_list {
set question_id [lindex $question 0]
set question_text [lindex $question 1]
set abstract_data_t..."
("uplevel" body line 10)
3. Finally, if the response to a required question is missing, it's being shown as $missing, instead of the question text. I tried to change this into @missing@ in survey.en_US.ISO-8859-1.xml, but the same $missing is being shown even when I restart the server.
I'm thinking of fixing these anyway, but if you have any recommendations from the top of your head, on where to look for the problem/solution, I'll be grateful.