Just so you know the latest version of Oracle that we tried prevented the AOLserver crash but still gives errors on Oracle side.
Also we learned that updating the empty clobs with *NULL* apparently solves the issue, below is a little script I came up which reads the list of tables with their CLOB column and then converts them. the key element is dbms_lob.getlength($ColumnName)=0 .
Hope this helps.
set TABLES_COLUMNS_List [list \
set db [ns_db gethandle]
foreach TableColumn $TABLES_COLUMNS_List {
set TableName [lindex $TableColumn 0]
set ColumnName [lindex $TableColumn 1]
set SQL {
SELECT count(rowid) FROM $TableName
WHERE dbms_lob.getlength($ColumnName)=0
set UpdateSQL [subst { UPDATE $TableName SET $ColumnName=NULL WHERE dbms_lob.getlength($ColumnName)=0 } ]
ns_db dml $db $UpdateSQL]
ns_db releasehandle $db