If you are an OpenACS user who is not currently active in the community but would like to be, please consider a few ways you could contribute:
News Coordinator. We should be making better use of openacs.org News as low-noise, no-discussion. Anybody can submit a news item, and News already has moderation features. So what we need is an active news coordinator. Duties:
- Checks for submitted news items every few days
- Approved valid news items
- Contacts people who have submitted unacceptable news items and helps them edit their news items or change them into forum posts
- Follow the OpenACS.org forums, identifies news-worthy posts, and edits them into news items
- Report bugs and usability problems in the news system
In my opinion, News should be limited to:
- Announcements for developers, such as branching and merging
- Releases of OpenACS Core and of distributions and packages
- OpenACS-based site launches
- Media coverage
- OpenACS events, such as meetings and trade show appearances