Talking about bounces, how would you handle bounces due to "out of office" replies ?
An out of office reply won't come to the bounce address
as the bounce address is the envelope header, not the
reply-to or from addresses.
If you mean how will you distinguish an "out of office" reply
from a regular reply, that is a good question and I for
one would like to have that be something the mail handler
figured out (and possibly passed down to the service contract
as an advisory bit of information).
I would like to be able to map a short unique identifiers
which are not a package names or adorned with any extra information into something which knows to invoke the forums contract for a given forum_id (as an example).
I don't want to see the wheel reinvented, but I would like
to see this stuff work a lot better than it does now and in particular I would like to make non-notifications based inbound email work in a few contexts (bug state manipulation via email, posting photos and file storage objects via attachments, etc where there is no initial notification
to reply to for example).