Forum OpenACS Development: Response to Guidelines

18: Response to Guidelines (response to 1)
Posted by Bryan Quinn on
I've ordered a copy of Date & Darwen. Thanks for the reccomendation!

I see a lot of reasons for us to code in a more SQL92 style at the aD end. What we'll need to is create a guidelines page for aD similar to the one Don and Ben wrote up with the different rules on how we should write SQL. I am not personally familiar with how well and how consistently Oracle supports SQL92 constructs, so some of us here will need to get more familiar and dig into the issue before I can say more. We're in the process of doing that, so I'll try to post updates.

Oracle's JDBC driver doesn't support the SQL92 outer join syntax from what I can tell. However, Oracle's docs claim it supports all other SQL92 escapes.

I need to take a closer look at some of the DDL issues. Rafi knows a lot about this. We're thinking of reducing our usage of PL/SQL, but maintaining the procedural abstractions at the business domain tier. Personally I'd like to avoid using named parameters within PL/SQL (the whole foo => :bar thing). Getting away from default parameters sounds like a good idea too.

As Don mentions, this is all discussion towards establishing standards for development going forward and does not affect ACS 4.1.