I checked the SDM and Boards, but did not find reference to the
following General Comments problem:
Error: can't read "on_what_id": no such variable
while attempting to save my EDITs to a previous comment. In this case
from within the NEWS module, but I don't think that contributed. I am
using the OpenACS 3.2.4 source.
Once I try to "proceed" on the comment-edit.tcl the previous error
Now a fix... on or about line 62 in /general-comments/comment-edit.tcl
CHANGE: [export_form_vars comment_id module submodule return_url item]
TO: [export_form_vars comment_id on_what_id module submodule
return_url item]
Note the addition of "on_what_id" after "comment_id".
Hope this helps. -nate