I installed RedHat 7, Postgres, loaded the schema, aolserver (got
hello page with the sample-nsd.tcl)
Then I tried your nsd.tcl
I had to comment out the call "ns_param nsjava $bindir..." in
"section ns/server/server1/modules" because it said it couldn't find
any java (and none of the paths defined in the ClassPath variable in
your nsd.tcl exist
Now I get "Netscape is unable to locate the server mymachine:8000"
The server log looks fine. It says listening on http://mymachine:8000
accepting connections
Then it runs these processes: (running scheduled proc )
opening postgres:yourdb and a bunch of postgres stuff
ad_update_robot_list (not replicating robots)
Then it says "Done running scheduled proc flag_interrupted_spams." And
it seems to be dead there