Michael, several months ago Rob Mayoff and I (well, a lot of Rob and a little of me:)) rewrote parts of the file serving system in AOLServer such that it will cache Tcl pages if you have the ns_cache module loaded. I don't know if this is in the AOLServer or OpenNSD distros, but it is in the more recent ArsDigita distribution and in our CVS tree. The modifications are in file.tcl and tclcache.tcl, in the nsd/tcl directory. Essentially, if the ns_cache module is available, the new code will cache the bytecode of the page and a signature of the file (last modified, size, etc) to determine if it has changed. If you have a lot of Tcl pages, it's likely that some will be evicted from the cache. However, files that are commonly hit won't be since it's LRU.