Well sometimes it just takes time...
For other new to this I have written some possible solutions up.
Apparently the RPM will install apache in a new directory. If you
are used to editing httpd.conf you should instead find the apache.conf file, and edit that.
There is an additional config file you need to set up. This is the
nsd.ini file.
For both files it helps to have worked with Apache and Postgres installation before, but it is not imposible. Otherwise send me a mail and I can try and mail you mine, showing you where I changed things.
Quite likely you will get error when loading the datamodel.
you should run the script data-model-load.
You might need to create some add in languages for psql. There are some similar posts on this site about how to do that, but the syntax is something like createlang pltcl openacs-db.
Presently I'm stuck at Error in serving group pages, and it seems to involve some more configuration files. I see that there are many posts about a similar problem, but there seem mostly to be concerned with aol server and not mod-apache. If anyone has any input I would be happy.