Yes, we should definitely do this only once. Which is why I'd like to TIP a generally acceptable set of rules, so that the implementors have some discretion but still produce something we all want to use. What all should go into the TIP?
1) The stuff in my first post
2) DaveB's suggestion to move locale from cr_revision to cr_item - (what consequences? Do we simply break any code that might be using it?)
3) Change the whole CR to use the same locales table as acs-lang and the rest of the system. (Currently, CR uses a different table, with a different key size.)
I'd like to leave out API and have this just be a data model and recommended behavior TIP. I think the dual-locale thing is simply broken and should be merged. 2 and 3 can both be handled with upgrade scripts, but both do change the cr in a way that will break anything relying on it directly. Can we do anything about that?