It took me just this afternoon to get OpenACS running, with the help of browsing through this forum for the past few days, and tumbling across this absolutely straightforward instructions at URL: thanks to John XING!
If u have followed the forum closely over the past few days, there are tips like have a clean install of Linux (if you are installing Red Hat 7.0), which means without web server and postgresql packages, etc.
If you are a newbie like me on OpenACS, using RPMS to install the packages would be the easiest and best task. Bewarned, do read up and check out the documents for steps on having to create users/groups and familiarize yourself with OpenACS before u proceed with the installation, otherwise i think you might get errors and be totally lost!!
It had been an absolute headache for me trying to get AOLServer running through the long installation method until I gave up and tried out RPMS instead.
For OpenACS documentation, check out: