I think I figured it out. I created a content type moto_vehicle with a supertype of es_product, and I made the moto_vehicle primary key reference es_product_revision. I see that the automatically generated views, moto_vehiclex and moto_vehiclei, include the es_product attributes.
Inside moto_vehicle__new I'll call es_product__new, and then I'll call content_revision__new, passing in the revision_id returned from es_product__new.
Did I do it right? Am I missing something?
select content_type__create_type (
'moto_vehicle', -- content_type
'es_product', -- supertype,
'Moto Vehicle', -- pretty_name,
'Moto Vehicles', -- pretty_plural,
'moto_vehicle', -- table_name,
'vehicle_revision_id', -- id_column,
null -- name_method
create table moto_vehicle (
vehicle_revision_id int
constraint moto_vehicle_revision_id_fk
references es_product_revision(product_revision_id)
on delete cascade
constraint moto_vehicle_revision_id_pk
primary key,
year numeric(4) not null,
new_p bool not null,
category_id int not null references es_category,
make_id int not null references es_category,
-- find or write a plpgsql strip fuction to query model
model text not null,
payment numeric(10,2),
usage real,
usage_hours_p bool not null,
color text not null,
engine text,
financing_p bool not null,
warranty_p bool not null,
date_sold timestamptz,
dealer_id int not null references moto_dealer,
location_id int not null references moto_dealer_location