Forum OpenACS Development: Response to Need better sign-posting in

Posted by Kapil Thangavelu on
i want to apologize, i think my first post on this thread was a bit
extreme. my requests for status updates haven't been met by deaf
ears but by busy hands. don, thank you for taking the time to post
updates to the forums. my frustration emerged from the fact that
before the last three days updates have been sporadic and far apart
and that all of those updates have referenced non public knowledge
from private exhanges on critical topics.

as for what a status update should comprise i don't want to
inconvience developers with redtape. what i envisioned
was something more along the lines of general project status, news
from any of the specific module ports, core status/news , brief
summaries and links to discussions of interest on the bboard. all of
this could be done by one person with developers of modules emailing
that person with news when relevant. accurate timelines are a bit
hard to nail down, so i think other than the core that news would
suffice (as long as the module porter/author is clearly identified
so interested parties can converse with him/her/them directly).

i think these summaries should be linked directly off the openacs4
project page something like (or what
have you). putting summaries on the forums kinda makes me think of
chicken and egg scenarios. i think the point of this type of
information is to have prominent display of the projects current
status without having to wade into the forums.

while putting this kinda of info in the sdm is useful and i'm all
for it, i want to mimimize the amount of link clinking needed to get
a sense of where the projects is at. if a module summary page could
be integrated into the sdm all the better.

as for mailing lists v bboard, it is a matter of opinion (although i
could still go on at length about it:). but i honestly doubt that if
any mailing list is overwhelming its going to benefit from moving to
a bboard format. mail aware bboards would be a huge leap forward.
hmmm... except for the fact that clients are pretty arbitrary in
their behavior (hence the mail thread assoc would be difficult) this
type of behavior should be straightforward implementable. perhaps in
the port of bboard4.