Some info and thoughts on that:
From CT article on WikiWebs 25, 01. Dec. 2003.
- MediaWiki/WikiPedia 68,65% (largest sites)
- UseModWiki 16,32% (easiest to install)
- Wiki (orignal) 7,19%
- Twiki 4,49% (most used in intranets)
- MoinMoin 1,75%
- PhpWiki 1,59%
Fastest Fulltext Search
From CT article on WikiWebs 25, 01. Dec. 2003.
For 10 000 pages with 80Meg of files.
- WikiPedia 1s
- PhpWiki 2,5s
- MoinMoin 9,6s
- UseModWiki 45,5s
- Twiki -
From CT article on WikiWebs 25, 01. Dec. 2003.
MediaWiki MoinMoin PhpWiki Twiki UseModWiki
Language PHP Python PHP Perl Perl
Backend MySQL Text GDBM,MySQL,Pg RCS legacy
i18n >20 8 7 English 18
Notification + + - + +
Edit-Conflicts Doublewindow Warning Merging Lock Doublewindow
WikiWords - + + + +
Free Links + + + - +
Latex + + - + +
File-Upload + + + + +
techn. Doc. - ++ - ++ +/-
user Doc. +/- + + + -
Featureslist + + +/- ++ +
Usability ++ ++ + -- +
Scalability ++ - + - -
Comparison to ETP
- Extending ETP with WikiWords or also called CamelCase is easy
- Extending ETP with Free Link syntax link [[My Link]] is also easy
- We need file upload/foto album functionality -> a file storage package is needed
- We need comments for each page and subtopic (not sure if that exists)
- Not sure if we have confict resolution if two person edit the same page
- Latex support is often used to allow the rendering of graphics