Forum .LRN Q&A: Re: New admin features for .LRN

Posted by Jeff Davis on
Roc, You could modify the parameter default on your local install but I am not sure the new default would be preserved over upgrades (it should be and if it's not it would be a bug in my opinion). That would make any new community take the default value.

I do think the default should be pretty permissive since it's far easier to turn something off that you see than to discover you can turn something on. There are a number of things in the toolkit disabled by default and I find a lot of people don't even realize they exist.

Posted by Rocael Hernández Rizzardini on
I had the same idea, just that its not the more pretty one, since, if you want the stuff to work, you need to change the parameter value on the APM (better before install .LRN) & change the site-map param as well if apply.

Not sure about default preserved over upgrades, need to try.

So I was wondering another kind of solution ... any ideas??