For the record, I have created the below patch that allows for setting form values in on_refresh. I haven't tested all the posibilities - just a test form to see that it "works" for my simple test case.
Please note that part of this code is just magical incantations to me. I have a feeling ad_form could use a little refactoring ... I might get around to that the next time it bites me.
Index: form-processing-procs.tcl
RCS file: /usr2/cvsroot/mlm/packages/acs-tcl/tcl/form-processing-procs.tcl,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -r1.1.1.1 form-processing-procs.tcl
--- form-processing-procs.tcl 21 Apr 2004 09:15:40 -0000
+++ form-processing-procs.tcl 11 Nov 2004 18:31:37 -0000
@@ -989,6 +989,25 @@
if { [info exists on_refresh] } {
ad_page_contract_eval uplevel #$level $on_refresh
+ # NAJ: If values are set in the on_refresh block, stuff them into the form fields.
+ # This code is just a copy-paste (and a little gluing) of code from the other branches
+ # I don't understand the datas structures well enough to know if there is an easier way to
+ # do this - or if I am doing it in a foolproof way.
+ foreach element_name $af_element_names($form_name) {
+ if { [llength $element_name] == 1 } {
+ if { [uplevel \#$level [list info exists $element_name]] } {
+ set myvalues [uplevel \#$level [list set $element_name]]
+ if { [info exists af_flag_list(${form_name}__$element_name)] && \
+ [lsearch $af_flag_list(${form_name}__$element_name) multiple] >= 0 } {
+ template::element set_values $form_name $element_name $myvalues
+ } else {
+ template::element set_value $form_name $element_name $myvalues
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }