ad_proc -public mime_type_convert::doc_to_html {
} {
@param filename full path to file to be converted
} {
# let's just start with inputting a Word file and outputting some xhtml
set tmpdir [lindex [parameter::get -package_id [ad_conn subsite_id] -parameter TmpDir -default "/tmp"] 0]
# create a temporary file to hold the converted data
set new_filename [file tail [ns_mktemp "${tmpdir}/fileXXXXXX"]]
# convert to HTML
exec /usr/bin/wvHtml --targetdir=${tmpdir} ${filename} ${new_filename}
# clean up word HTML
set err [catch {exec sh -c "(tidy -c -i -q ${tmpdir}/${new_filename} 2> /dev/null ;/bin/true)" } msg]
return $msg