I apologize for the delay in posting a reply about what's going on with the intranet module at ArsDigita.
If you're subscribed to this thread (http://www.arsdigita.com/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg.tcl?msg%5fid=000Yu3), you've already read seen this. Otherwise, I hope it's helpful. Thanks again for all your patience regarding the intranet package.
We were trying to figure out what the best path would be for the intranet here at ArsDigita. We decided to abort further development on the Intranet package for ACS 4 TCL in favor of speeding up the development time to release core support for Intranet functionality in
ACS Java 4. The overall idea is to port the ACS Core enhancements made in ACS 4 TCL to ACS 4 Java and to complete the ACS Core work that will make it easy to develop an Intranet that is customized to the particular site needs.
Note that almost all the work done on the intranet through early march is available in ACS 4.2 TCL.
More details will follow, but as of now, there will be no release of an Intranet package for ACS 4, TCL or Java. Instead, ACS 4 Java will be enhanced to make it easier to develop an intranet package should somebody be interested in doing so.
In the meantime, we've made available a pre-alpha version of an offices package that demonstrates how the pieces fit together - from using the groups system to model offices to using portals to display information about the offices. This package is very rough and has known bugs, but we hope it will be of use in terms of seeing what type of intranet functionality is provided inside ACS 4.2 TCL. More information on the offices application and how to install it can be found at: