Forum OpenACS Development: Re: XCMS-UI, yet another content management user interface.

Posted by Dave Bauer on

There is now. I never added it to CVS. Thanks for testing. I should have tested a clean checkout.


Yes, that error is gone now. Next...

You must be using a newer (at least different) bcms-ui-base. The one I'm using is from contrib and is organized differently than yours.

For example, at http://server/xcms/manage/, selecting Folder and clicking Add New in the Folder Contents section, results in a page displaying:

Enter the folder name which will be part of the url. And the folder label

Add Folder

Error in include template "/devel/s8002/packages/bcms-ui-base/lib/folder-form": No script or template found for page '/devel/s8002/packages/bcms-ui-base/lib/folder-form'
You see that it's looking for lib/folder-form. In my bcms-ui-base, there is no folder-form*. In fact, there is no bcms-ui-base/lib directory. I do have a folder-form.tcl in bcms-ui-base/resources.
