I received this error from the todo module in my mail this morning. I
could not find it in the SDM, the restore had no errors (other than
the duplicate define errors). I will try to figure out what has gone
wrong, but if anyone can give me a hint, please do.
Error: dbinit: error(localhost:5433:webpascal,ERROR: Cannot
delete from a view without an appropriate
): 'delete from deleted_todo_items where (deletion_date+
Error: Database operation "dml" failed
Database operation "dml" failed
while executing
"ns_db dml $db "delete from deleted_todo_items where
(deletion_date+ timespan_days(2))<sysdate()""
(procedure "todo_delete_old_items" line 4)
invoked from within
Notice: dbinit: closing idle handle in pool 'subquery'