flame fest at 9.
Seriously, I run OpenACS on FreeBSD and sometime this weekend i'll be adding an OpenBSD box to the mix. I expect to find just as little problems doing that as i've found installing OpenACS on FreeBSD.
here's a little howto:
- Install FreeBSD (I assume you know how to do this, excelent information on this subject is all over the internet).
- create a user for running openacs.
- install aolserver, qmail, and postgresql from the ports
(if you are installing over FTP you will have the latest ports otherwise get the individuhal ports from freshports.org)
- cd /usr/ports/mail/qmail ; make install ; make disable-sendmail ; make enable-qmail.
- cd /usr/ports/databases/postgresql ; make install
- cd /usr/ports/web/aolserver ; make install
- add kern.maxfiles=4096 to /etc/rc.sysctl
as the newly created openacs user:: get the source through cvs from cvs.pg-acs.sourceforge.net.
now follow the documentation.
That is (admitted in a nutshell) what I had to do to get FreeBSD prepared to run OpenACS.
see, that wasn't hard :-p)
What it comes down to IMNHO is wheter or not you consider yourself to be a *NIX hacker (as opposed to cracker) or a competent system administrator, if you are a hacker go with Debian GNU/linux. Are you a system administrator that depends on a consistent and stable system run with the *BSD crowd.