Forum .LRN Q&A: Re: SCORM runtime environment and IMS Simple Sequencing

Posted by Ola Hansson on
> Regarding what I said over a year ago, you should have commented 
> there and then if you didn't agree 😊

And I did:
That can hardly have been a comment on what I wrote since your message is dated 6 days earlier. In fact, my posting was an answer to your *question* in your posting (although in a new thread). And you never reacted on that answer.
Even I suggest you a way to implement an open API. In addition, 
I pointed out to you how the fellows from Carnegie Mellon have gone about implementing their own engine:
Yes you did, and I also explained to you why I didn't think it was *needed* to implement an open API. Carnegie Mellon has implemented SS, so what? We already have all the details needed in order to build an implementation from a canonical source, namely the original IMS SS spec.
What will you be sequencing? And why wouldn't this things that you will be sequencing and controling for, 
be acs_objects or content?
The general idea is that we will be sequencing "learning activities" which would indeed be either plain acs_objects or content_items and which would be mapped to one of several things: a learning object in the LORSm, a test in Assessment, or an "auxillary resource" (basically any URL), for example. (It is given by the IMS SS spec that you are sequencing "learning activities" which need to have a bunch of specific attributes that defines the sequencing rules. So you are not sequencing the content per se.)
If implemented like that, then you can abstract it to a point that anyone can
use it.

For instance, take the IMS MD specification in LORS. Any acs_object can
have LOM metadata. Is it needed? For sure not for all objects, but it is
open for people to use it.

The IMS CP implementation can be used by other packages. 


So basically any package can make use of the IMS specs. AND, LORS is a
set of libraries, that LORSm uses to implement a repository of learning
objects using the IMS specs given by LORS.

However, for some reason, I can't really understand why you think
otherwise about IMS SS.
As I've said before ... I recognize that it makes sense to gather the implementations of *those two* IMS specs in LORS but that the same is *not* the case with IMS SS, and here's why: SS is designed to handle learning sequences. Its rules and conditions are very specific to this purpose (not suitable for use in Assessment, for instance). We intend to build a navigation and user tracking UI (based on the principles of the Curriculum toolbar) which will display universally accross package borders. And, more importantly, We intend to build a central (within the SS package) front-end for designing learning sequences (that is, "curriculums", not courses) where we map content in different packages to learning activities in a sequence, defined as a branched hierarchical tree-structure with sequencing rules. This SS front-end would be canonical because there would be no need for other packages to have their own SS front-ends, specific only to their type of content. The central SS front-end would be able to handle the mapping of all content throughout the toolkit to learning activities. Hence there would be no obvious need for a public SS API ...
> It appears to me you want to turn LORS into a "super package" 
> covering all IMS and SCORM related features.

First, I never said that. Whether they are in one of 10 packages I
really don't really care. What I want to see is e-learning
specifications implemented and any packages being able to use them. One
package, 10 packages, I don't care.
Great. As you can see you will be able to use SS through the provided UI (but not through an API - unless of course you really need that. Then it could be refactored and "opened up").
> I don't think this would be such a good idea. It would be better, I
> think, if LORS remains what it says it is: a learning object
> repository.

I think you are a bit confused:

  LORS = set of libraries that implement IMS CP and MD (no UI)
  LORSm = uses LORS to implement a repository of LOs.

This is what I would like to see:

  LORSm = LORS + IMS SS (from your package) to allow people to deliver
ordered and controlled sequences of learning objects.
OK then, *LORSm* should remain a learning object repository. As explained above, people will be able to deliver ordered and controlled sequences of learning objects but using a general SS front-end instead of a LORSm-tied one.
> As far as possible we want to modularize the toolkit functionality
> and instead assemble vertical applications like .LRN when there is
> such a need.

And that's the whole point! 

But I can't see how you want to achieve modularity if each package has to
implement the same methods and can't reuse them.
As said above, the very point is that each package *won't* have to implement the same methods (SS). As I said to Malte, no other package should need the SS methods for its internal operations. And if a user were to set up a learning sequence mapping only to LOs in LORSm (say) s/he would still use the central SS front-end to do this.
Again, if you don't think you can implement an IMS SS engine that people can
use... well, there's not much choice for us but to do it. 

Your arguments that it can't be done are just not good enough. The fellows from
Carnegie Mellon have outline all the specs for implementing it as an IMS SS
engine (that's the document I sent you over a year ago), so it can be

Your choice,

This is really an amazing insult. I've never said we can't do things your way, I've only said I don't think it would be the right way to do it. We actually think we are able to write a SS package that people can use, but it is still not clear that code outside of SS needs to use it, that's all. You don't convince us with your arguments. You should focus on motivating why there is a need for a public SS API, why LORSm should be turned into a sequencing front-end, why there would be a need for multiple front-ends to SS, why a client-side front-end would be better, why we can't use the IMS SS spec itself as a blueprint for our implementation, etc., instead of trying to distort what we are actually saying.
Hi Ola,

Let me see if I can explain in simple terms what I mean about implementing IMS SS as an open API.

If you would implement an open API, then other packages could do this (LORSm for instance)

A professor uploads a course.

LORSm: "Hey, I just got a course and comes with IMS SS information, I can't quite read it, but I know that Polyxena-SS implementation can."

LORSm: "Hey Polyxena-SS, here's a bunch of XML with the definition for the sequencing course_id 102"

Polyxena-SS: "G'day LORSm, nice to talk to you again -how are the kids?. Yeah, thanks for that sequencing info. No worries. I'll take it from here."

LORSm: "Kids are good, thank you, but it's the steroids that are killing me these days 😉. Thanks for taking care of that. I give you a buzz when I need to render the sequence. Take care"

Then a student (random striker) request the course.

LORSm: "Hey Polyxena-SS, do you remember I gave you the sequence for course 102?, Well, Random Striker wants it so would you mind sending me the correct sequence I need to render?"

Polyxena-SS "LORSm, yeah, I got it right here. For user Random Stiker, all you got to do is to render the following sequence

    1.- Activity1
    2.- Activity2.

At the end of Act2 (which is a question), let me know what he answer since according it we will decide the following sequence"

LORSm: "What would I do without you Polyxena-SS mate?... You really simplify my life so much... really appreciate it. BTW, I heard that you are heading for Texas shortly"

Polyxena-SS "No worries mate, just buy me a beer next time. About Texas,  yeah I'll bring you back a cowboy hat"

Random striker finishes "Act2".

LORSm: "Random striker is done with Act2 and the score was 10. So what's next?"

Polyxena-SS: "Well, according to the score, Random Striker has to take the Act1 and Act 2 again. However, if he would have gotten 50 or more, we would have continue with Act3 and Act4... but oh well, maybe next time"

Same thing could happen with the Assessment package (since IMS SS and IMS QTI can be -but not always- used together).

Assessment: "Polyxena-SS, I need the sequencing for Section 1 of Test for User Random Striker"

Polyxena-SS "Well, Random Striker has already taken Section 1 and can't take it again, so the next sequence is Section 2 and here's the sequence of questions... let me know the answer of q23 as based on it we'll have a different sequencing"

So the implementation of IMS SS could definitely be used by other packages and not just Curriculum. LORSm for instance, won't require from IMS SS to deliver the content, but just specify how content (grouped in activities) is meant to be sequenced for delivery. Therefore LORSm, takes care of the rest.

And this is not only one way, since most likely the IMS SS would require to open IMS content packages. Using the LORS libraries, you can manage CP to extract the sequencing information you need, without having to implement the IMS CP again.

Additionally, it makes sense to implement IMS specifications as libraries because they tend to get updated quite quickly -as demand for new features and functionality increases. If each package has implemented different version of the specifications, then it will be nightmare.

Hopefully, this message explained in simple terms how IMS SS could be implemented and also ease up the tension a bit. I know it can be done, the paper mentioned above from the CM fellows has specs on how they have managed to implement IMS SS as web service, so therefore it should be very difficult to have a look at their experience to implement something  similar for OpenACS/.LRN.

Having said that though, I acknowledge that it is not easy to do so, but if .LRN is willing to fund this, an IMS SS implementation that can be used as a service will be much more beneficial for all.
