Forum OpenACS Q&A: Warning about acs-mail-lite 0.2a +

Posted by Jade Rubick on
Acs-mail-lite does not seem to honor the acs-rollout-support parameters. What this means is that if you have your developmental server set up to redirect or log outgoing mail sent through acs-mail-lite, if you upgrade to acs-mail-lite 0.2a to test it out, your mail will be sent out.

Until a bug-fix is available, I recommend waiting to upgrade, or taking care to not have outgoing mail sent out.

Posted by Malte Sussdorff on
To verify this, was it working with 0.1? I could not find it in the code (first glance). What is the expected behaviour based on which parameters ?
Posted by Jade Rubick on
I've committed a fix, which is available in acs-mail-lite, 1.0b1, available as soon as the package repository is rebuilt (usually within 24 hours). It is also in CVS, tagged with openacs-5-1-compat, and on HEAD.

Malte, Dave, Jeff, and Bart all helped. Thank you!