Forum .LRN Q&A: ANN Random photo portlet

Posted by Gerardo Morales on
I finished a portlet that selects randomly the photo, email and rol in the community and displays that information.

The names of the packages to use this in dotLRN are:

- random-photo-portlet
- dotlrn-random-photo

These packages are right now on HEAD

When you are in the portal of a community, the randomly selected member belongs to that community.

When you are in “My Space”, first it selects randomly one  community related to you and then one member of the selected community.

This work has been done at Galileo university, as part of the E-LANE project, released as GPL v.2 or above.

Posted by Malte Sussdorff on
Finally it resurfaced. Thanks a lot Gerardo for doing this. I assume that clicking on the picture brings you to the member information?

One request: if this is 5-1 compatible, can you tag it with openacs-5-1-compat, so .LRN 2.1 can make use of it ?

Posted by Rocael Hernández Rizzardini on
yes for both, I'll tag it!
Posted by Jade Rubick on
According to another thread, a portlet is a package that is includeable, right? Or does it rely on the portals package?

Is this a package a plain OpenACS (not dotLRN) installation could use?

Posted by Rocael Hernández Rizzardini on
no Jade, its .LRN customized, but I think you can easily grab the small script page that serves the user info/photo and make it query agains users table directly....
Posted by Gerardo Morales on
In this portlet right now if you clic on the name of the member you can see the member info. But I'm going to convert the photo into a link too.

thanks malte ;)