Forum OpenACS CMS: Problems with bcms using the bcms-ui-wizard

I tried to use bcms of Head and then the bcms of the tag 5.1.  In both, I have the same problem: invalid command name "bcms::is_registered_content_type".

Is there a stable version of this package?


Posted by Jun Yamog on
Hi Gerardo,

Please use bcms and bcms-ui-base on head, they should work on oacs 5.1

Read my post on that link to see more details.

Posted by Gerardo Morales on
Thank you Jun I judt tryid the bcms-ui-base but I think I don't understand how to use it. I just can create foldres, subfolders add templates. I been using ETP since a while but I think that the bcms-ui-base its a bit diferent.

How can I make new pages??


Posted by Jun Yamog on

When you are in admin context you should be able to see "Add Page" on the right while viewing a folder.  There should be also "Add Image".  These are the basic built in content types of CR.