Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: Feature Freezing 5.2

2: Re: Feature Freezing 5.2 (response to 1)
Posted by Jeff Davis on
tsearch2 and my stuff don't need to freeze for 5.2 since they are not in the core, although I am doing stuff to search that I need to commit before we freeze.

I think the big thing is whether we try and put in parent_id into acs_objects instead of package_id (before we cut 5.2).

We should also consider cuting 5.1.1 (and updating oacs-5-1-compat tags) as a lot of bug fixes have gone in on 5.1.

Sounds like a good agenda item for wednesdays OCT meeting.

3: OCT agenda (response to 2)
Posted by Malte Sussdorff on
Additional agenda item should be the summary of OCT chats (are we doing these and if yes, who is in what order).