David, someone has probably written a perl script to do just that.
But, I've done a lot more shell hacking than Perl. I've never
needed to traverse a whole directory trees, but here's a really simple
bourne shell script to replace "foo" with "bar" and "xx" with "yy",
for files in a single directory only. It just dumps the new versions
of the files into the tmp/
subdir. You'd run it with:
do-files.sh *.tcl
or the like.
# do-files.sh
mkdir tmp
for x
cat $x | sed -e 's%foo%bar%g' | 's%xx%yy%g' > tmp/$x
Hm, you could probably cobble together something ugly like:
find /web/mydir -name "*.tcl" -exec my-script.sh {} ;
where my-script.sh is:
# my-script.sh
set dir_tree `dirname $1`
set tmp_tree "/tmp${dir_tree}"
if [ ! -r $tmp_tree ] ; then
mkdir -p $tmp_tree
cat $x | sed -e 's%foo%bar%g' | 's%xx%yy%g' > $tmp_tree/$x
Of course, I haven't tested that at all.