<blockquote> None, this is how I had assumed it to work until the discussion started about
assessment storing single questions as items in LORSm, which is an approach you
(obviously) are not taking.
I bet you are really happy then... 😉
Well, technically -if you look closer- they are still IMS CP items, but referencing to resources other than "webcontent":
<manifest xmlns="" ...>
<organizations default="ORG-...">
<organization identifier="ORG-D..." structure="hierarchical">
<item identifier="ITEM-E8.." identifierref="RES-1.." isvisible="true">
<item identifier="ITEM-3.." identifierref="RES-B.."
<title>Examen 1</title>
<item identifier="ITEM-C.." identifierref="RES-F.."
<title>Examen 2</title>
<resource identifier="RES-1.." type="webcontent" href="index.html" adlcp:scormtype="asset">
<file href="index.html" />
<resource identifier="RES-B.." type="ims-qti-package" href="assessment/" adlcp:scormtype="asset">
<file href="assessment/" />
So yes, they are items of LORSm still. It is because they are IMSCP items that we can link to them in a sequence... Although, as we said before, they aren't 'processed' by LORSm but other fellow packages which return back a URL that LORSm uses for that item's href.