Forum OpenACS Development: What's the right way to delete rows from cr_items/cr_revisions?

I have a need to delete a bunch of rows from the CR tables.  I looked in acs-content-repository/tcl/item-procs.tcl but there doesn't seem to be a delete function there.  What is the "approved" way of doing this, so any loose ends get cleaned up properly?  TIA!

Check out the bcms-ui-base package. I believe this is the way oacs is leaning (bcms::item::delete_item -item_id item_id).


... meanwhile you can always use the PG functions content_item__delete and content_revision__delete or the Oreacle equivalents.

on HEAD there is a tcl API in content-item-procs.tcl


For 5.1 you'll need to use the pl/sql api.