Forum OpenACS Development: Response to OpenACS4.x/Postgres7.x installation guide

Posted by Leif Jensen on
I know what I am trying to do may be a little premature. But,... I have now the AOLServer3.2+ad12 up and running which loads the PostgreSQL7.1 driver without errors and using my old (modified) nsd.tcl file 😊. But when trying to connect from a browser, I do get an ArsDigita welcome page (not the one in ACS installation guide, the one with a 'Next' button), but there are a lot of funny '@variable@' constructs.

I am not sure what I should install in the /web/'service_name' directory: should I just take the OpenACS (directly from the CVS) or should I load it on top of the 'standard' ACS-4.0 system placed in that directory or am I missing something totally different ?