My main site has such permissions:
Inherited Permissions
* Site administrator, admin
Direct Permissions
* none
When I add a subsite, it has such permissions (default behaviour):
Inherited Permissions
* The Public, read
* Site administrator, admin
Direct Permissions
* subsite Administrators, admin
* subsite Members, read
* subsite Members, create
* subsite Members, write
And then, when I mount any application on this subsite, say ETP, I get:
Inherited Permissions
* The Public, read
* Site administrator, admin
Direct Permissions
* none
I expected it to inherit the permissions from the subsite, not the main site. Am I missing something? Isn't this the intended behaviour?
I found a similar discussion but it's from an old ACS version (4.5)
I think the problem is in this piece of code at /packages/acs-subsite/www/admin/site-map/package-new.tcl
# Set the context_id to the object_id of the parent node
# If the parent node didn't have anything mounted, use the current package_id as context_id
set context_id [ad_conn package_id]
array set node [site_node::get -node_id $node_id]
if { ![empty_string_p $node(parent_id)] } {
array set parent_node [site_node::get -node_id $node(parent_id)]
if { ![empty_string_p $parent_node(object_id)] } {
set context_id $parent_node(object_id)
I don't see why you would want it like that, the first line should be enough. Isn't it?