Forum .LRN Q&A: Re: Description of new dotLRN integration project

Posted by Bruce Spear on
Hi Rafael! The stuff you've listed is important, but basically admininistrative in nature, and by collaboration I think of students taking a more active role in initiating and contributing to their own learning, surveys and forums integrated into instruction on a weekly basis, and basically, an extension of classroom activities into the other six days of the week. These days, I'm obsessed with the very careful orchestration of learning activities communications-oriented e-learning designers, like Kathleen Gilroy and colleagues, are able to manage, or rather, choreograph, and I'm wondering how such complex models might be adapted to standard university classes. I'm concerned here not with the ambitious early adapters, but with those only minimally interested in the technology but who nonetheless might change what they do for the better. For example, I've got eight faculty now posting study questions on Dotlrn a couple days before class and beginning class by discussing these questions -- they tell me this was NEVER done before here, but with the Dotlrn calendar and file storage and a little encouragement, they see the utility of it. Increasing efficiencies of routine administrative tasts is certainly important, but I'd think the place to shoot for is the integration of Dotlrn in instruction and its embrace because it delivers the goods of improved learning. How might you do that?